
Family Shoot At Easter

Somebody asked me the other day 'what do you like to take photos of?'.  Instead of going into auto pilot, I just took a moment. 'Photos that make me happy', I replied. It seems so simple, but it's true. I think there's another blog post in there, so I'll save it for another time. I was looking through these photos I took last Easter, and they definitely make me happy! You might recognise Harry & Jemima from our film (you can click here to see it).

I've been taking photos of them since 2011, when Jemima was a baby and just sitting up. This shoot was telling their story at home on Easter Sunday with all the family.  There were confetti eggs, Easter tree decorating, water fights and paper plane making.  It's one of those shoots that has stayed with me.  And there was cake, what's not to like about a shoot with cake?