Stories Of The Everyday - Growth

Busy Girl's Guide to Thick Hair (3).jpg

When we announced March’s Stories Of The Everyday theme as GROWTH, it seemed pertinent to us, as Olive was in the full throes of teething. With those bright red cheeks, grizzles, and her constantly wanting to put anything on those gums to give a little relief. And as March waned, a small peak of tooth emerged. A bright white shard that we keep getting glimpses of with her big smile, or through wide mouthed cries as it pushes just a bit further. These themes are here to be interpreted just as you like. Maybe it was the first signs of spring peeping through that inspired you to press the shutter, or your own personal journey, a project you’re working on, or maybe the littles in your life you wanted to capture for GROWTH. We’ve put together a selection below, a cross section of some of your lovely posts.

And if you’d like to join us for April, the theme is WONDER. Just use the hashtag #storiesoftheeveryday_wonder, it would be nice to see you there. And if you think someone else would like to join in, do let them know!