A Snowy Morning Walk

Me and Hannah haven't been out for a Friday walk for a while. It turns out we chose rather a good day to stomp. We have a favourite path we take. It's about an hour long - a climb up the heather covered hill, follow the path that runs between the silver birch, and then drop into the beech trees, with the perfect place to stop for a cup of tea. It sets us up for the day to come. There was a frost, and the grass underfoot and the delicate leaves were sparkling. It really did look like icing sugar. We were both taking photos and chatting about the weekend, when we felt little flecks of snow on our cheeks. We walked a little further, and as we walked, the flakes increased, and the valley was thrown into a silent white. For a few moments, everything still. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped, leaving behind a dusting on the leaves, the boughs, and our hats. When it snows, everything seems lighter.

A dreamy Friday walk.
